Tuesday, October 24, 2006


我的博客搬家了。。。 按这里。 欢迎光临!




祝你们有个愉快的假期! Selamat Raya Aidilfitri!!

Problem in my blog

There is some problems in my blog....

Will need some time to fix it... May share more things with you all later..


Sunday, October 08, 2006


会离开大概两个星期。。。 所以也许没时间上来。。。


Saturday, October 07, 2006



今天又回到了Deira City。 不同的是今天有两个同伴。。朋友兼同事。

佐汉和安然(Johan & Imran)

朋友要买电脑,所以要我帮忙看看。。。发现这里的“科技产品”都比较贵。 就连Dell的电脑都比马来西亚贵,但比起其它牌子的便宜。 选好的电脑,我们决定到“Spice Souk”也就是香料市场走走逛逛。这个市场位于旧码头的对面,因为是斋戒月的关系,很多店都还没开始营业。(这里斋戒月期间,2。30pm-7pm间是休息时间)。这是其中一间香料店,这里所卖的都是来自不同地方的香料,一些我所认识的有如胡椒粒,干玫瑰,薄荷叶,八角。。等等。太多了,而且很多都没看过的。。。最重要的是,我固陋寡闻犹如井底之蛙。。。懂得太少了!! 是时候要学习学习咯!! 哈哈。。。


再往里面走去,看到了这个金市场“Gold Souk”。一条长长的走道,两边都是金店铺。卖的都是黄金、白金、钻石之类的。。。看了看标者的价钱,比较便宜哦。。。但当然需要找些对金饰有了解的人来断定这是否是真是假。。。 (进市场的入口。。。)

走着走着到了开斋时间,原本想吃华人餐但找不到。 就随便进了间外表还不错的餐厅。3个人点了不同的东西,Barrarie Chicken, Green Bean Rice 和Chicken Briyani。 (太饿的关系,忘了拍照)。。。哈哈! 很好吃哦! 但不是因为饿所以好吃,是因为它的香料味很可口!!
吃饱了,我们决定去体验一下这里以前人们唯一的交通工具一来往岸两边的船。一个人五毛钱(50fils)。这船的中间是有如桌子般,然后乘客坐在两边。这里共有3条路线,每一条路线都是不同的码头,但3个码头都在这条河(Dubai Greek)上。 坐在船上的感觉很不错,而且这是很繁忙的一条河。看到很多往返的船,可以跟路上的车较量。 哈哈哈! 没那么夸张啦,但我还是第一次看到这么繁忙的河,有这么多的船!!

好开心哦!! 开斋节的时候,这里有4天的假期。到时我们打算再去发掘Dubai.好期待!!!

p/s: Blogger 的照片上传有点问题。。。今天就只上这两张,后续还有。。。


Today I went to Deira City again... but this time I got 2 friends goin along... Johan & Imran!! :)
Johan wanted to buy Computer so I was helping him to "choose" one... Noticed that the technology item here are much more expensive than in Malaysia. Even for Dell oso more expensive... but still the cheaper one compare to other brands... heheee...
Got the computer, next we went to Spice Souk (Spice Market) where they sell all kinds of spices from the emirates. This market located just opposite of the port where boats load and unload the goods. When we were there, lot of shops are not open yet. Due to Ramadhan, the shops are closed between 2.30pm to 7pm. Pic 2 is one of the spice shop that open when we were there, look at the spices... wah so many of them which i don;t know them... hahaha... think it time for me to get to know them and use them... hehehe..

Walked in further is the "Gold Souk", where 2 sides of the corridor are all gold shops. Look at the price, it seems cheaper... However if really wanna buy here, I think I need someone who knows about gold to be here to take a look before buying.

Now it time for breaking fast, initially Johan suggested to have Chinese food (cause I graving for chinese food... hehehe). But we failed to find one, so we walked into a air-con restaurant. We ordered Barrarie Chicken, Green Bean Lamb rice and Chicken Briyani...wooo fantastic!!! The food is soooo nice!!! (Oooppsss... forgot to take the picture to share :P )

Filled up stomach.... we went to experience the boat ride... 50fil per person (50cents). The boat is a very simple and small boat. It can load around 20-30persons. The center of the boat is just like a retangle box, and people sit on the 2 sides. It a great experience. The greek is buzy, you can see lots of boats here and there... just like the road traffic... hahaha...

We plan to go to explore Dubai during the 4days public holiday during Raya.. Looking forward for that!! :D

Thursday, October 05, 2006

照片 1



这是Hayatt Hotel 前的一个公园。在大路旁的。
